In 1970, on the occasion of Pope Paul VI’s visit to Manila, the Asian Bishops came together for the first time. From that meeting flowed the desire to strengthen the collegiality among them and a need to define and articulate what it means to be ‘Church in Asia’ in the spirit of Vatican II.
This, then, gave birth to the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences - FABC.
The year 2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of that significant moment. To observe this landmark, the FABC intends to gather in a General Conference to commemorate and to chart the direction for the coming years.

The baton of interpreting Christ to the modern man and woman, I think, passes on to Asia. Yes, I strongly believe this is the Asian Millennium.

With its unique culture and rich diversity, Asia is a continent that sports identity and character different from the West. From its approach to spirituality to its culture and community, the Asian way appears to be rather different from the rest of the world. Given, its diversity, the Church in Asia aims to understand the unique challenges of its people, through this survey that it may address these in the best possible way.
We request you to participate in this FABC2020 survey and, through dialogue together, we can build the Church in Asia.